This week has been pretty tough, my Father passed away, after being ill for sometime.  However we had a beautiful service for him this afternoon, he will sadly be missed, may he rest in peace now, love you Dad!
  My son had to go in for a follow up procedure, the same morning we lost my Dad, for the brain anuerysm he had.  Checking it out with cameras to see how it was healing.  We could not have received better news from the Dr.!  The Dr. was extremely pleased with how he is healing!   This was his 3-month point since he initially was rushed by ambulance from his home to nearest hospital, then Flight For Life to a major hospital and there surgery then hospitalized for 2 weeks in ICU and we almost lost him.
  Whew…… hoping things settle a bit now.  I could use a break.  Really been missing  the stained glass in my workshop.  I feel the need to get creative once again!  Stay tuned for more projects………………soon I hope.   😉